What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was referred to as, ‘combat fatigue’, after World War One, and, ‘shell-shock’, after World War Two. However, post-traumatic stress disorder is not something only suffered by soldiers. PTSD can happen to anyone who experiences something traumatic in their life. Most people will experience some of the symptoms of PTSD after a traumatic experience, however, usually, the symptoms will reduce after 4-6 weeks on their own. If the symptoms continue after this point, further treatment is required. PTSD is treatable.
What can be classed as trauma?
There are loads of different types of trauma. The most obvious kind would be disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, railway or plane crashes. However, bullying can also be considered a traumatic event, along with the death of a parent, medical trauma, and sexual abuse. The sudden death of a loved one can cause PTSD. Trauma can change the way that the brain responds to situations in future.
Symptoms of PTSD
Posttraumatic stress disorder can cause the physical symptoms of anxiety (for example, sweating, shakiness, clamminess, palpitations), as well as irritability, mood swings, flash-backs, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, being hyper-vigilant (tense and jumpy, ready to escape). Somebody with PTSD may attempt to avoid their feelings altogether, which can lead to avoiding anything that may trigger even the slightest memory of their trauma.
What is the treatment?
Someone with PTSD may be referred to counselling or other forms of psychotherapy. Usually, medications aren’t prescribed unless the PTSD is very severe. Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing is also a form of treatment that seems to have a good effect on those suffering from PTSD. According to the Center for Anxiety Disorders (https://centerforanxietydisorders.com/ptsdsudden-death-loved-one/),“...a study funded by the Kaiser Permanente HMO found that 100% of single-trauma victims and 77% of multiple trauma victims were no longer diagnosed with PTSD after just six 50-minute sessions.”
What is EMDR?
EMDR is a form of therapy. The therapist will make side to side movements (usually hand tapping, or lights). Then they will ask the patient to recall the traumatic event. Usually, there will be at least 6 sessions of this. It is thought to help the brain process the traumatic event properly.
PTSD can happen to anybody, after any event that a person finds traumatic, whether it be war, abuse, a bereavement, or bullying. If you have symptoms of PTSD, then it is worth going to your GP to see if you can be referred for some kind of therapy.