Friday, April 2, 2021

Tragedy In Psychiatry DVD – A Harrowing Story

 Trigger Warning: Mention of suicide

Why does it happen?

Although there can be great improvement with psychiatric care for a lot of mental health problems, sadly many cases do still end in tragedy. This is why we have a tragedy in psychiatry DVD. As uncomfortable as it is to speak about suicide, it’s a topic that we should not be silent about. There needs to be a greater understanding of what people who take their own lives go through, in order for us to make a difference. Some may argue that it is inevitable, but I like to think that anybody could be helped.

 About Our Programme

In our programme, we use interviews with a woman who was also a mental health patient. Sadly, she eventually took her own life.  The programme helps to show her state of mind before she passed away, and highlights that sometimes the things she said didn’t line up with her actions. For example, she said she had no plans to end her life. I think this highlights the importance of always checking in on somebody, regardless of what they say their intentions are. Her mother also took part in an interview, so she could share the first symptoms her daughter experienced. 

Symptoms and Analysis

The woman began to not want to see her own reflection. Her mum came home to find crosses everywhere and all of the mirrors covered. Her daughter kept saying that the angels didn’t like her. Her belief that the angels were watching and judging her was completely unshakeable. In the programme, a group of doctors discuss the symptoms and what diagnosis they may point towards. They discuss psychosis, delusions, schizophrenia and other possibilities. They also discuss ways that they might approach treatment for somebody like her. Later, it is revealed that the woman was also abused by her father as a child – something her mother didn’t know about until a lot later on.


The programme also explores the effect the woman’s death had on her mother. Bereavement through suicide is an incredibly difficult thing to recover from, and it was very brave of her mother to speak about the way that she felt and how her daughter’s illness affected her. This highlights the importance of support for those who have lost their loved ones to suicide. It should be spoken about a lot more, so that people know they can reach out for support, and others are more likely to give their support.

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